Writing Rules

Studies to be submitted to Cumhuriyet International Education Journal for evaluation must be prepared in accordance with the writing rules specified below.

1. Publication language: Turkish and English.

2. The length of a study must not exceed 9,000 words, excluding the main text, bibliography and appendices.

3. In studies to be submitted to the journal, the short summary must be 150-200 words in Turkish and English and must also include at least 5 keywords. In addition, all studies to be submitted in Turkish or English must include a long summary in English/Turkish of 750-1000 words. Articles that do not include a long summary will not be included in the evaluation process. In original research articles, the long summary in English/Turkish must include the subheadings of purpose, method, findings, discussion and conclusion.

4. Articles must be uploaded to the system in Word format and according to our journal template. Journal Template: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/25900

5. It should be ensured that submitted tables and figures do not exceed the journal's page size and comply with APA-7 style. A table or figure should not extend to the next page. If it reaches the end of the page and partially extends, it should be placed on the following page. In addition, 10-point font and single spacing should be used for tables and figures.

6. The main text of empirical studies may include introduction, method, findings, discussion and conclusion sections. The method section should include subsections such as design, universe and sample, study group or participants, data collection tools and analysis of data, etc.

7. APA (7th Edition) style should be used for references, in-text citations, titles, tables and figures. For detailed information: https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/reference-examples.pdf

8. There should be no information about the author(s) in the file uploaded to the system and in the file name. In Microsoft Word documents, the username should be removed from the File menu, General > Options tab, and all information that will allow the author to be identified should be deleted.

Last Update Time: 1/23/25, 3:26:42 PM


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