Aim & Scope

The aim of Cumhuriyet International Education Journal is to contribute to science with interdisciplinary studies/ research article in the field of education, to identify changes and needs in the field of education with a universal perspective and to produce original solutions, to be a resource provider for institutions and organizations in the field of education and program developers, and to provide multi-faceted support to the field of education by including studies prepared in Turkish and English in these fields.

The studies that CUED prioritizes are as follows:
Cumhuriyet International Education Journal publishes high-quality studies based on research article conducted with qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods from a disciplinary/interdisciplinary perspective covering early childhood, primary school, secondary school, high school and higher education levels. The sample of the studies to be evaluated in our journal must include at least one of the following: preschool, primary school, secondary school, teacher candidates, teachers, school principals and education faculty academics.

*If at least one of the following characteristics is found in the studies sent to Cumhuriyet International Education Journal, they will be eliminated in the preliminary examination and will not be included in the referee evaluation process.

1. Studies outside the focus of educational sciences (not every study that addresses the subject of education serves the field of educational sciences. For example: Studies such as engineering education, medical education are outside the scope of our journal.),

2. Studies on psychology outside the field of education that falls within the field of social sciences (For example: The feelings of mothers with preschool children, the thoughts of university students about substance addiction, etc.)

3. Metaphor studies,

4. Studies that include reviews/analyses of textbooks,

5. Studies based solely on the opinions of participants,

6. Studies that include scales, tests, surveys, materials and tools developed based on old curriculums or outdated teaching systems,

7. Studies conducted with weak scientific methods, with low validity and reliability (For example, studies that do not conduct content analysis even though content analysis is mentioned, studies with weak quantitative/qualitative data analysis),

8. Studies whose place and importance in the literature are not clearly explained (For example, the contribution of the study to the literature on the relevant subject, its theoretical place and infrastructure are not qualified (unexplained studies).

9. Simple quantitative studies conducted with only one independent variable (for example, the effect of variable x on variable y),

10. Simple qualitative or quantitative studies conducted with only one data collection tool (for example, analyses conducted only according to demographic variables, only through interviews or scales),

11. Quantitative studies conducted with insufficient sample size (In such studies, the sample size should be determined by considering the numbers accepted in the literature.),

12. Local studies outside the scope of international topics (for example, studies on developing and adapting a scale focused on a local, non-international scale),

Period Months
March June September December
Last Update Time: 1/29/25, 4:50:48 PM


© Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Education