
Siirt Journal of Education (SJE) is a scientific and refereed journal published twice a year in June and December in electronic environment. SJE is an open-access journal and accepts only studies in the field of education. The publication languages of SJE are Turkish and English. Authors are not charged any fee for the studies submitted to SJE. All publication rights of the published articles belong to SJE. The Editor and the Editorial Board are authorized to decide on issues not specified here.

Attention to authors!

*Siirt Journal of Education (SJE) has started to benefit from DOI service. Starting from the June issue, DOI number will be given for each article published in our journal.
*Siirt Journal of Education strictly abides by the ethical rules determined by TR Index. Please comply with these issues determined by TR Index when submitting your article to our journal.  CLICK HERE FOR ETHICS COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENT
*The acceptance and evaluation of the studies (Review) that do not require Ethics Committee Certificate sent to our journal depends on the decision of the Editorial Board.
* Journal contact: egitimdergi@siirt.edu.tr