Writing Rules

APA 6.0 spelling rules are valid in our journal. You can access the spelling rules by downloading the article template.

Manuscripts sent to our journal for publication must be prepared according to the "JSES Article Writing Template".
There should not be any information defining the author on the manuscripts submitted for publication.
At first, the "Plagiarism Report" of the manuscript submitted for publication is received by the journal editorial board. Studies with a plagiarism rate of 20% or less can be evaluated by editors and readers.
The ORCID numbers of all authors must be included in the final form requested from the authors for the studies accepted for publication. Studies with missing ORCID numbers cannot be published.
The "Copyright and Author Agreement Form" should be submitted to the journal along with the final version requested from the author of the studies accepted for publication.
The authors are responsible for the content of the published works (the accuracy of the sources and quotations, the opinions put forward, copyrighted materials such as the charts, pictures, and other visuals).