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Gelişimsel Yetersizliği Olan Bireylere İşlevsel Becerilerin Öğretiminde İpucunun Giderek Azaltılmasıyla Öğretimin Kullanımına İlişkin Bir Meta-Analiz Çalışması

Year 2023, , 477 - 487, 25.06.2023


İpucunun giderek azaltılmasıyla öğretim yönteminde (İGAY) bireyin doğru tepkide bulunması için gerekli olan kontrol edici ipucunun sunulmasıyla öğretime başlanır ve birey bu düzeydeki ipucuna doğru tepkide bulundukça ipucunun yoğunluğu, türü ya da şiddetinde değişiklik yapılarak ipucunun silikleştirilmesi yoluyla daha az kontrol edici ipucu sunulur. Bu sürece ipucunun silikleştirilmesi denir. Bu meta-analiz çalışması, İGAY ‘ın gelişimsel yetersizliği olan bireylere çeşitli becerilerin öğretilmesinde bilimsel dayanaklı bir uygulama olup olamayacağını belirlemek için yapılmıştır. Bunu belirleyebilmek için bu çalışmada (a) bilimsel kesinlik sistemi kullanılmış, (b) İGAY kullanılarak çalışmaların betimsel analizi gerçekleştirilmiş ve son olarak (c) örtüşmeyen veri yüzdesi, ortancayı aşan veri yüzdesi ve Tau-U yaklaşımları kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada 2000-2021 yılları arasında gelişimsel yetersizliği olan bireylerde İGAY’ın kullanıldığı toplam 19 çalışma incelenmiştir. Bu meta-analiz çalışmasının bulguları İGAY’ın çeşitli yaş ve yetersizlik gruplarından bireylere iletişim, güvenlik, akademik, öz bakım, küçük kas ve boş zaman değerlendirme becerilerinin öğretiminde etkili bir şekilde kullanılabildiğini göstermektedir. İncelenen 19 çalışmanın tamamında tek denekli araştırma yöntemleri kullanılmıştır.
Anahtar kelimeler: otizm, gelişimsel yetersizlik, meta-analiz, ipucunun giderek azaltılmasıyla öğretim, zihinsel yetersizlik


  • Alberto, A. A., & Troutman, A. C. (1995). Applied behavior analysis for teachers. Prenctice Hall.
  • Allison, D. B., & Gorman, B. S. (1993). Calculating effect sizes for meta-analysis: The case of the single case. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 31(6), 621–631.
  • Aykut, C., & Varol, N. (2010). Zihinsel yetersizlikten etkilenmis ogrencilere günlük yasam becerilerinin kazandirilmasinda sabit bekleme sureli ve ipucunun sistematik olarak geri cekilmesi islem sureci ile yapilan ogretimin etkililik ve verimliliklerinin karsilastirilmasi [Comparison of effectiveness and efficiency of constant-time delay and most to least prompts in teaching of daily living skills for children with mental retardation]. Turk Egitim Bilimleri Dergisi [Turkish Journal of Educational Sciences], 8(1) , 227-261.
  • Aykut, C. (2012). Effectiveness and efficiency of constant-time delay and most-to-least prompt procedures in teaching daily living skills to children with intellectual disabilities. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 12(1), 366–373.
  • Batu, S., Ergenekon, Y., Erbas, D., & Akmanoglu, N. (2004). Teaching pedestrian skills to individuals with developmental disabilities. Journal of Behavioral Education, 13(3), 147-164.
  • Benz, M. R., Lindstrom, L. E., & Yanvanoff, P. (2000). Improving graduation and employment outcomes of students with disabilities: Predictive factors and student perspectives. Exceptional Children, 66(4), 509–529.
  • Billingsley, F. F., & Romer, L. T. (1983). Response prompting and the transfer of stimulus control: Methods, research, and a conceptual framework. Journal of the Association for the Severely Handicapped, 8(2), 3–12.
  • Cengher, M., Shamoun, K., Moss, P., Roll, D., Feliciano, G., & Fienup, D. M. (2016). A comparison of the effects of two prompt-fading strategies on skill acquisition in children with autism spectrum disorders. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9(2), 115–125.
  • Cengher, M., Budd, A.F., Farrell, N.C., & Fienup, D.M. (2018). A review of prompt-fading procedures: Implications for effective and efficient skill acquisition. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30, 155-173.
  • Cetrez-Iscan, G., Nurcin, E., & Fazlioglu, Y. (2016). Effect of most-to-least prompting procedure on dressing skill of students with autism. Educational Research Review, 11, 1766-1774.
  • Davenport, L. A., & Johnston, S. S. (2015). Using most-to-least prompting and contingent consequences to teach numeracy in ınclusive early childhood classrooms. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 34(4), 250–261.
  • Fentress, G. M., & Lerman, D. C. (2012). A comparison of two prompting procedures for teaching basic skills to children with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6(3), 1083–1090.
  • Foster, S. L., & Mash, E. J. (1999). Assessing social validity in clinical treatment research issues and procedures. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67(3), 308-319.
  • Jerome, J., Frantino, E. P., & Sturmey, P. (2007). The effects of errorless learning and backward chaining on the acquisition of Internet skills in adults with developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40(1), 185–189.
  • Kazdin, A. E. (1982). Single case research designs: Method for clinical and applied settings. Oxford University Press.
  • Kurt, O., & Cuhadar, S. (2018). Effects of most to least prompting procedure on teaching exercise for adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 6(9a).
  • Lang, R., Mulloy, A., Giesbers, S., Pfeiffer, B., Delaune, E., Didden, R., Sigafoos, J., Lancioni, G., & O'Reilly, M. (2011). Behavioral interventions for rumination and operant vomiting in individuals with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(6), 2193–2205.
  • Leaf, J. B., Leaf, J. A., Alcalay, A., Dale, S., Kassardjian, A., Tsuji, K., Leaf, R., Taubman, M., & McEachin, J. (2014). Comparison of most-to-least to error correction to teach tacting to two children diagnosed with autism. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 7 (3), 124–133.
  • Leaf, J. B., Leaf, J. A., Alcalay, A., Kassardjian, A., Tsuji, K., Dale, S., Ravid, D., Taubman, M., McEachin, J., & Leaf, R. (2016a). Comparison of most-to-least prompting to flexible prompt fading for children with autism spectrum disorder. Exceptionality, 24(2), 109-122,
  • Leaf, J. B., Cihon, J. H., Townley-Cochran, D., Miller, K., Leaf, R., McEachin, J., & Taubman, M. (2016b). An evaluation of positional prompts for teaching receptive identification to individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9(4), 349–363.
  • Lerman, C. D., Vorndran, M. C., Addison, L., & Kuhn, C. S. (2004). Preparing teachers in evidence-based practices for young children with autism. School Psychology Review, 33, 510–526.
  • Libby, M. E., Weiss, J. S., Bancroft, S., & Ahearn, W. H. (2008). A comparison of most-to-least and least-to-most prompting on the acquisition of solitary play skills. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1(1), 37–43.
  • Ma, H. H. (2006). An alternative method for quantitative synthesis of single-subject researches: percentage of data points exceeding the median. Behavior Modification, 30(5), 598–617.
  • Mastropieri, M. A., & Scruggs, T. E. (1985–1986). Early in¬tervention for socially withdrawn children. Journal of Special Education, 19(4), 429–441.
  • McDonnell, J., & Ferguson, B. (1989). A comparison of time delay and decreasing prompt hierarchy strategies in teaching banking skills to students with moderate handicaps. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 22(1), 85–91.
  • Nepo, K., Tincani, M., Axelrod, S., & Meszaros, L. (2017). iPod touch® to ıncrease functional communication of adults with autism spectrum disorder and significant ıntellectual disability. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 32(3), 209–217.
  • Ozen, A., Acar, C., Tavlar, O, & Cetin, O. (2002). Ozbakim becerilerinin ogretiminde ipucunun giderek azaltilmasiyla ogretim yonteminin etkililiği [Effectiveness of the most to least prompting procedure on teaching chained self-care skills to students with developmental disabilities]. Anadolu Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi [Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences], 2(2), 147 - 167.
  • Parker, R. I., Vannest, J. K., & Davis, J. L. (2011). Effect size in single-case research: A review of nine nonoverlap techniques. Behavior Modification, 35, 303–322. https://doi:10.1177/0145445511399147
  • Ramdoss, S., Lang, R., Mulloy, A., Franco, J., O’Reilly, M., Didden, R., & Lancioni, G. (2011). Use of computer-based ınterventions to teach communication skills to children with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review. Journal of Behavioral Education, 20(1), 55-76.
  • Reichle, J., McComas, J., Dahl, N., Solberg, G., Pierce S., & Smith, D. (2005). Teaching an individual with severe intellectual delay to request assistance conditionally. Educational Psychology, 25(2-3), 275–286.
  • Reichle, J., Dropik, P. L., Alden-Anderson, E., & Haley, T. (2008). Teaching a young child with autism to request assistance conditionally: A preliminary study. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 17(3), 231-240.
  • Roth, M. E., Gillis, J. M., & DiGennaro Reed, F. D. (2014). A meta-analysis of behavioral interventions for adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Behavioral Education, 23(2), 258–286.
  • Schlosser, R., & Sigafoos, J. (2007). Editorial: Moving evidence-based practice forward. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 1, 1–3.
  • Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (2001). How to summarize-participant research: Ideas and applications. Exceptionality, 9(4), 227–244.
  • Simeonsson, R., & Bailey, D. (1991). Evaluating programme impact: Levels of certainty. In D. Mitchell & R. Brown (Eds.), Early intervention studies for young children with special needs (pp.280-296). Chapman and Hall.
  • Smith, N. (1981). The certainty of evidence in health evaluations. Evaluation and Program Planning, 4, 273–278.
  • Storey, K., & Miner, C. (2011). Systematic instruction of functional skills for students and adults with disabilities. Charles C. Thomas.
  • Strand, S. C., & Morris, R. C. (1986). Programmed training of visual discriminations: A comparison of techniques. Applied Research in Mental Retardation, 7(2), 165–181.
  • Tekin-Iftar, E., & Kırcaali-Iftar, G. (2013). Ozel egitimde yanlissiz ogretim yontemleri [Errorless teaching methods in special education]. Vize Akademik [Vize Academic].
  • Test, D. W., Richter, S., Knight, V., & Spooner, F. (2011). A comprehensive review and meta-analysis of the social stories literature. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 26(1), 49–62.
  • Vuran, S. (2008). Empowering leisure skills in adults wıth autism: An experimental investigation through the most to least prompting procedure. International Journal of Special Education, 23(1), 174-181.
  • Wiseman, K.V., McArdell, L.E., Bottini, S.B., & Gillis, J. M. (2017). A meta-analysis of safety skill ınterventions for children, adolescents, and young adults with autism spectrum disorder. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 4, 39–49 (2017).
  • Wolery, M., Ault, M. J., & Doyle, P. M. (1992). Teaching students with moderate to severe disabilities: Use of response prompting strategies. Longman.
  • Yilmaz, I., Konukman, F., Birkan, B., & Yanardag, M. (2010). Effects of most to least prompting on teaching simple progression swimming skill for children with autism. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 45(3), 440-448.

A Meta-Analysis of Most to Least Prompting Procedure for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Year 2023, , 477 - 487, 25.06.2023


Most to least prompting (MLP) is defined as eliminating the prompt over time by starting the teaching with the highest level of prompt that enables the individual to respond correctly. This current systematic review was conducted to identify whether the MLP procedure can be an evidence-based practice for teaching various skills to individuals with DD. To do this, it was (a) used the certainty of evidence system, (b) carried out a descriptive analysis of studies using the MLP procedure (c) effect size was analyzed using Percentage of Non-overlapping Data, Percentage of Data Exceeding the Mean and Tau-U. In this study, a total of 19 studies in which MLP was used in individuals with DD between 2000 and 2021 were examined. In the researches examined, MLP has been used effectively in teaching communication, self-care, and leisure skills to individuals from various age and disability groups. Single-subject research designs were used in all of the 19 studies reviewed.


  • Alberto, A. A., & Troutman, A. C. (1995). Applied behavior analysis for teachers. Prenctice Hall.
  • Allison, D. B., & Gorman, B. S. (1993). Calculating effect sizes for meta-analysis: The case of the single case. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 31(6), 621–631.
  • Aykut, C., & Varol, N. (2010). Zihinsel yetersizlikten etkilenmis ogrencilere günlük yasam becerilerinin kazandirilmasinda sabit bekleme sureli ve ipucunun sistematik olarak geri cekilmesi islem sureci ile yapilan ogretimin etkililik ve verimliliklerinin karsilastirilmasi [Comparison of effectiveness and efficiency of constant-time delay and most to least prompts in teaching of daily living skills for children with mental retardation]. Turk Egitim Bilimleri Dergisi [Turkish Journal of Educational Sciences], 8(1) , 227-261.
  • Aykut, C. (2012). Effectiveness and efficiency of constant-time delay and most-to-least prompt procedures in teaching daily living skills to children with intellectual disabilities. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 12(1), 366–373.
  • Batu, S., Ergenekon, Y., Erbas, D., & Akmanoglu, N. (2004). Teaching pedestrian skills to individuals with developmental disabilities. Journal of Behavioral Education, 13(3), 147-164.
  • Benz, M. R., Lindstrom, L. E., & Yanvanoff, P. (2000). Improving graduation and employment outcomes of students with disabilities: Predictive factors and student perspectives. Exceptional Children, 66(4), 509–529.
  • Billingsley, F. F., & Romer, L. T. (1983). Response prompting and the transfer of stimulus control: Methods, research, and a conceptual framework. Journal of the Association for the Severely Handicapped, 8(2), 3–12.
  • Cengher, M., Shamoun, K., Moss, P., Roll, D., Feliciano, G., & Fienup, D. M. (2016). A comparison of the effects of two prompt-fading strategies on skill acquisition in children with autism spectrum disorders. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9(2), 115–125.
  • Cengher, M., Budd, A.F., Farrell, N.C., & Fienup, D.M. (2018). A review of prompt-fading procedures: Implications for effective and efficient skill acquisition. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30, 155-173.
  • Cetrez-Iscan, G., Nurcin, E., & Fazlioglu, Y. (2016). Effect of most-to-least prompting procedure on dressing skill of students with autism. Educational Research Review, 11, 1766-1774.
  • Davenport, L. A., & Johnston, S. S. (2015). Using most-to-least prompting and contingent consequences to teach numeracy in ınclusive early childhood classrooms. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 34(4), 250–261.
  • Fentress, G. M., & Lerman, D. C. (2012). A comparison of two prompting procedures for teaching basic skills to children with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6(3), 1083–1090.
  • Foster, S. L., & Mash, E. J. (1999). Assessing social validity in clinical treatment research issues and procedures. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67(3), 308-319.
  • Jerome, J., Frantino, E. P., & Sturmey, P. (2007). The effects of errorless learning and backward chaining on the acquisition of Internet skills in adults with developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40(1), 185–189.
  • Kazdin, A. E. (1982). Single case research designs: Method for clinical and applied settings. Oxford University Press.
  • Kurt, O., & Cuhadar, S. (2018). Effects of most to least prompting procedure on teaching exercise for adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 6(9a).
  • Lang, R., Mulloy, A., Giesbers, S., Pfeiffer, B., Delaune, E., Didden, R., Sigafoos, J., Lancioni, G., & O'Reilly, M. (2011). Behavioral interventions for rumination and operant vomiting in individuals with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(6), 2193–2205.
  • Leaf, J. B., Leaf, J. A., Alcalay, A., Dale, S., Kassardjian, A., Tsuji, K., Leaf, R., Taubman, M., & McEachin, J. (2014). Comparison of most-to-least to error correction to teach tacting to two children diagnosed with autism. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 7 (3), 124–133.
  • Leaf, J. B., Leaf, J. A., Alcalay, A., Kassardjian, A., Tsuji, K., Dale, S., Ravid, D., Taubman, M., McEachin, J., & Leaf, R. (2016a). Comparison of most-to-least prompting to flexible prompt fading for children with autism spectrum disorder. Exceptionality, 24(2), 109-122,
  • Leaf, J. B., Cihon, J. H., Townley-Cochran, D., Miller, K., Leaf, R., McEachin, J., & Taubman, M. (2016b). An evaluation of positional prompts for teaching receptive identification to individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9(4), 349–363.
  • Lerman, C. D., Vorndran, M. C., Addison, L., & Kuhn, C. S. (2004). Preparing teachers in evidence-based practices for young children with autism. School Psychology Review, 33, 510–526.
  • Libby, M. E., Weiss, J. S., Bancroft, S., & Ahearn, W. H. (2008). A comparison of most-to-least and least-to-most prompting on the acquisition of solitary play skills. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1(1), 37–43.
  • Ma, H. H. (2006). An alternative method for quantitative synthesis of single-subject researches: percentage of data points exceeding the median. Behavior Modification, 30(5), 598–617.
  • Mastropieri, M. A., & Scruggs, T. E. (1985–1986). Early in¬tervention for socially withdrawn children. Journal of Special Education, 19(4), 429–441.
  • McDonnell, J., & Ferguson, B. (1989). A comparison of time delay and decreasing prompt hierarchy strategies in teaching banking skills to students with moderate handicaps. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 22(1), 85–91.
  • Nepo, K., Tincani, M., Axelrod, S., & Meszaros, L. (2017). iPod touch® to ıncrease functional communication of adults with autism spectrum disorder and significant ıntellectual disability. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 32(3), 209–217.
  • Ozen, A., Acar, C., Tavlar, O, & Cetin, O. (2002). Ozbakim becerilerinin ogretiminde ipucunun giderek azaltilmasiyla ogretim yonteminin etkililiği [Effectiveness of the most to least prompting procedure on teaching chained self-care skills to students with developmental disabilities]. Anadolu Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi [Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences], 2(2), 147 - 167.
  • Parker, R. I., Vannest, J. K., & Davis, J. L. (2011). Effect size in single-case research: A review of nine nonoverlap techniques. Behavior Modification, 35, 303–322. https://doi:10.1177/0145445511399147
  • Ramdoss, S., Lang, R., Mulloy, A., Franco, J., O’Reilly, M., Didden, R., & Lancioni, G. (2011). Use of computer-based ınterventions to teach communication skills to children with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review. Journal of Behavioral Education, 20(1), 55-76.
  • Reichle, J., McComas, J., Dahl, N., Solberg, G., Pierce S., & Smith, D. (2005). Teaching an individual with severe intellectual delay to request assistance conditionally. Educational Psychology, 25(2-3), 275–286.
  • Reichle, J., Dropik, P. L., Alden-Anderson, E., & Haley, T. (2008). Teaching a young child with autism to request assistance conditionally: A preliminary study. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 17(3), 231-240.
  • Roth, M. E., Gillis, J. M., & DiGennaro Reed, F. D. (2014). A meta-analysis of behavioral interventions for adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Behavioral Education, 23(2), 258–286.
  • Schlosser, R., & Sigafoos, J. (2007). Editorial: Moving evidence-based practice forward. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 1, 1–3.
  • Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (2001). How to summarize-participant research: Ideas and applications. Exceptionality, 9(4), 227–244.
  • Simeonsson, R., & Bailey, D. (1991). Evaluating programme impact: Levels of certainty. In D. Mitchell & R. Brown (Eds.), Early intervention studies for young children with special needs (pp.280-296). Chapman and Hall.
  • Smith, N. (1981). The certainty of evidence in health evaluations. Evaluation and Program Planning, 4, 273–278.
  • Storey, K., & Miner, C. (2011). Systematic instruction of functional skills for students and adults with disabilities. Charles C. Thomas.
  • Strand, S. C., & Morris, R. C. (1986). Programmed training of visual discriminations: A comparison of techniques. Applied Research in Mental Retardation, 7(2), 165–181.
  • Tekin-Iftar, E., & Kırcaali-Iftar, G. (2013). Ozel egitimde yanlissiz ogretim yontemleri [Errorless teaching methods in special education]. Vize Akademik [Vize Academic].
  • Test, D. W., Richter, S., Knight, V., & Spooner, F. (2011). A comprehensive review and meta-analysis of the social stories literature. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 26(1), 49–62.
  • Vuran, S. (2008). Empowering leisure skills in adults wıth autism: An experimental investigation through the most to least prompting procedure. International Journal of Special Education, 23(1), 174-181.
  • Wiseman, K.V., McArdell, L.E., Bottini, S.B., & Gillis, J. M. (2017). A meta-analysis of safety skill ınterventions for children, adolescents, and young adults with autism spectrum disorder. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 4, 39–49 (2017).
  • Wolery, M., Ault, M. J., & Doyle, P. M. (1992). Teaching students with moderate to severe disabilities: Use of response prompting strategies. Longman.
  • Yilmaz, I., Konukman, F., Birkan, B., & Yanardag, M. (2010). Effects of most to least prompting on teaching simple progression swimming skill for children with autism. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 45(3), 440-448.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Metehan Kutlu 0000-0003-4468-6094

Publication Date June 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Kutlu, M. (2023). A Meta-Analysis of Most to Least Prompting Procedure for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities. Cumhuriyet Uluslararası Eğitim Dergisi, 12(2), 477-487.

e-ISSN: 2147-1606

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