Check List For Authors


Please fulfill Check list and send to us signed along with paper submission


1.      The manuscript is an Original scientific paper and is not currently being considered for publication by any other journal and will not be submitted for such review while under review by this Journal?


2.      The manuscript has not more than 12 pages except reference list (for review papers 20 pages)?    


3.      The manuscript is written in the correct format according to the Instructions for Preparing Manuscripts.________


4.      Are all parts of the paper listed in the Instructions for Preparing Manuscripts included strictly according the Instructions?                


5.      The manuscript has been spell-checked?                   


6.      The title of the paper (including over title and sub title) have not more than 3 rows?         


7.      The sub titles of the text are numbered with decimal classification?                        


8.      Full name(s) of author(s) with family (last) name(s) indicated with capital letters are given?                    


9.      The corresponding author is indicated and the e-mail address is given?                  


10.  For all author(s) institution, town, and country are given?               


11.  The abstract have no more than 250-500 words?                  


12.  There are no more than 10 key words?                     


13.  All figures and tables are mentioned in order of appearance in the manuscript?                 


14.  Are all the variables in Nomenclature and in manuscript text, tables, and formulas identical?       


15.  Have all variables in Nomenclature dimensions?                 


16.  All references mentioned in the text in order of appearance, are cited in the reference list, and vice versa?             .


Author/Corresponding author



Last Update Time: 7/10/20, 10:14:09 AM

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