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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 4, 1403 - 1419, 31.08.2021


Geçmişte bireylerin kimlikleri sosyal çevresi ve yaşadığı toplum bağlamında gelişim gösterirken bugün bu etki alanı içerisine sosyal medya da dâhil olmaktadır. Bireyler gerçek hayatlarına paralel olarak internet aracılığıyla girdikleri sosyal medya platformlarında birçok kişi etkileşime girebilmekte ve çeşitli hesapları takip edebilmektedir. Aynı zamanda bu ortamlar kullanıcıların kendilerini yansıtmasında ve oluşturmasında da önemli rol oynamaktadır. Özellikle sosyal medya çağının ortasında doğan bireylerin yaşadıkları yere ve zamana eşlik eden platformların yapısı, kimlik gelişiminde öne çıkan etkenlerden biri olmaktadır. Dolayısıyla fiziksel yaşantımızda üstlendiğimiz kimliklerin yanı sıra sosyal medya ile inşa ettiğimiz ve dijital kimlik olarak adlandırabileceğimiz yeni bir türü daha ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada sosyal medya platformlarından olan Instagram kullanıcısı olan 18-24 yaş aralığındaki gençlerin bu platform üzerinden kültürel göstergeleri paylaşımlarına konu ederek dijital kimliklerini oluşturması incelenecektir. Bu amaçla örneklem olarak belirlenen gruba anket yapılarak çalışmanın amaçları doğrultusunda veri toplanmıştır. Bu çalışma Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Seçil ÖZAY danışmanlığında gerçekleştirilen ve Sertaç KAYA tarafından 2021 yılında hazırlanan “Sosyal Medya Kullanan Gençlerin Kimliklerinin Yeniden Üretimi: Dijital Kimliğin İnşası” başlıklı doktora tezinden oluşturulmuştur.


  • Abercrombie, N., Hill, S., Turner, B. (2006). The Dictionary of Sociology. London: Penguin Books.
  • Castells, M. (2001). The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Dalton, J. C., Crosby P. C. (2013). Digital Identity: How Social Media are Influencing Student Learning and Development in College. Journal of College and Character, 14(1), 1-4.
  • Davis, L. L. (1992). Instrument Review: Getting the Most from a Panel of Experts. Applied Nursing Research, 5(4), 194-197.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Ellison, N., Heino, R., Gibbs, J. (2006). Managing Impressions Online: Self-presentation Processes in the Online Dating Environment. Journal of Computer-mediated Communication, 11(2), 415-441.
  • Frunzaru, V., Garbasevschi, D. (2016). Students’ Online Identity Management. Journal of Media Research, 9(1), 3-13.
  • Hogg M. A., Abrams, D. (1998). Social Identifications: A Social Psychology of Intergroup Relatıons and Group Processes. London: Routledge.
  • Jasper, J. M., McGarry A. (2015). Introduction: The Identity Dilemma, Social Movements, and Contested Identity. James M. Jasper, Aidan McGarry (Ed.), The Identity Dilemma: Social Movements and Collective Identity. (s. 1-18). Pennsylvania: Temple Unıversıty Press.
  • Jenkins, R. (2016). Bir Kavramın Anatomisi: Sosyal Kimlik. Gül Bostancı (Çev.), İstanbul: Everest Yayınları.
  • Karakaya, İ. (2012). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Abdurrahman Tanrıöğen (Ed.) Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. (s. 57-83). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Leary, M. R., Kowalski, R. M. (1990). Impression Management: A Literature Review and Two-component Model. Psychological Bulletin, 107(1), 34-47.
  • Lewis, S., Molyneux, L. (Ocak 2019). Social Media and Journalism: 10 Years Later, Untangling Key Assumptions. Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2580-2589.
  • Liu, H. (2007). Social Network Profiles as Taste Performances. Journal of Computer-mediated Communication, 13(1), 252-275.
  • Lupton, D. (2016). The Quantified Self. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Matsumoto, D. E. (2009). The Cambridge Dictionary of Psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Papacharissi, Z. (2011). A Networked Self. Zizi Papacharissi (Ed.), A Networked Self: Identity, Community, and Culture on Social Network Sites. (304-319). New York: Routledge.
  • Rheingold, H. (1993). A Slice of Life in My Virtual Community. Linda M. Harasim (Ed.), Global Networks: Computers and International Communication. (s. 57-81). Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Snyder, M. (1974). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 30(4), 526-537.
  • Sohier, R., Bree, J. (2017). Proposal of a Digital identity Scale. In Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics. s. 1219-1231. Springer, Cham.
  • Tavakol, M., Dennick, R. (2011). Making Sense of Cronbach's Alpha. International Journal of Medical Education, 2, 53.
  • Thoits, P. A., Virshup, L. K. (1997). Me’s and We’s: Forms and Functions of Social Identities. R. D. Ashmore, L. Jussim (Ed.), Self and Identity: Fundamental Issues. (s. 106-137). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Turkle, S. (1997). Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet. New York: Touchstone.
  • Twenge, J. M., Campbell, W. K. (2015). Asrın Vebası: Narsisizm İlleti. Özlem Korkmaz (Çev.), İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Vignoles, V. L., Schwartz, S. J., Luyckx, K. (2011). Introduction: Toward an Integrative View of Identity. Seth J. Schwartz, Koen Luyckx, Vivian L. Vignoles (Ed.), Handbook of Identity Theory and Research. (s. 1-31). New York: Springer.
  • Waskul, D., Douglass, M. (1997). Cyberself: The Emergence of Self in On-line Chat, Information Society, 13, 375-97.
  • Yang, Y., Green, S. B. (2011). Coefficient Alpha: A Reliability Coefficient for the 21st Century? Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 29(4), 377-392.


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 4, 1403 - 1419, 31.08.2021


While individuals' identities developed in the context of their social environment and society in the past, today social media is also included in this sphere of influence. Many people can interact and follow various accounts on social media platforms that individuals enter through the internet in parallel with their real lives. At the same time, these environments play an important role in the self-reflection and creation of users. The structure of the platforms that accompany the place and time of individuals born in the middle of the social media age is one of the prominent factors in the development of identity. Therefore, in addition to the identities we assume in our physical life, a new type of identity that we construct with social media and which we can call digital identity emerges. In this study, it will be examined that young people between the ages of 18-24, who are users of Instagram, one of the social media platforms, create their digital identities by sharing cultural indicators on this platform. For this purpose, data were collected in line with the aims of the study by conducting a survey to the group determined as the sample. This study was created from the doctoral thesis titled “Reproduction of the Identities of Young People That Using Social Media: Construction of Digital Identity” prepared by Sertaç KAYA in 2021 and supervised by Asst. Prof. Seçil ÖZAY.


  • Abercrombie, N., Hill, S., Turner, B. (2006). The Dictionary of Sociology. London: Penguin Books.
  • Castells, M. (2001). The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Dalton, J. C., Crosby P. C. (2013). Digital Identity: How Social Media are Influencing Student Learning and Development in College. Journal of College and Character, 14(1), 1-4.
  • Davis, L. L. (1992). Instrument Review: Getting the Most from a Panel of Experts. Applied Nursing Research, 5(4), 194-197.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Ellison, N., Heino, R., Gibbs, J. (2006). Managing Impressions Online: Self-presentation Processes in the Online Dating Environment. Journal of Computer-mediated Communication, 11(2), 415-441.
  • Frunzaru, V., Garbasevschi, D. (2016). Students’ Online Identity Management. Journal of Media Research, 9(1), 3-13.
  • Hogg M. A., Abrams, D. (1998). Social Identifications: A Social Psychology of Intergroup Relatıons and Group Processes. London: Routledge.
  • Jasper, J. M., McGarry A. (2015). Introduction: The Identity Dilemma, Social Movements, and Contested Identity. James M. Jasper, Aidan McGarry (Ed.), The Identity Dilemma: Social Movements and Collective Identity. (s. 1-18). Pennsylvania: Temple Unıversıty Press.
  • Jenkins, R. (2016). Bir Kavramın Anatomisi: Sosyal Kimlik. Gül Bostancı (Çev.), İstanbul: Everest Yayınları.
  • Karakaya, İ. (2012). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Abdurrahman Tanrıöğen (Ed.) Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. (s. 57-83). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Leary, M. R., Kowalski, R. M. (1990). Impression Management: A Literature Review and Two-component Model. Psychological Bulletin, 107(1), 34-47.
  • Lewis, S., Molyneux, L. (Ocak 2019). Social Media and Journalism: 10 Years Later, Untangling Key Assumptions. Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2580-2589.
  • Liu, H. (2007). Social Network Profiles as Taste Performances. Journal of Computer-mediated Communication, 13(1), 252-275.
  • Lupton, D. (2016). The Quantified Self. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Matsumoto, D. E. (2009). The Cambridge Dictionary of Psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Papacharissi, Z. (2011). A Networked Self. Zizi Papacharissi (Ed.), A Networked Self: Identity, Community, and Culture on Social Network Sites. (304-319). New York: Routledge.
  • Rheingold, H. (1993). A Slice of Life in My Virtual Community. Linda M. Harasim (Ed.), Global Networks: Computers and International Communication. (s. 57-81). Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Snyder, M. (1974). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 30(4), 526-537.
  • Sohier, R., Bree, J. (2017). Proposal of a Digital identity Scale. In Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics. s. 1219-1231. Springer, Cham.
  • Tavakol, M., Dennick, R. (2011). Making Sense of Cronbach's Alpha. International Journal of Medical Education, 2, 53.
  • Thoits, P. A., Virshup, L. K. (1997). Me’s and We’s: Forms and Functions of Social Identities. R. D. Ashmore, L. Jussim (Ed.), Self and Identity: Fundamental Issues. (s. 106-137). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Turkle, S. (1997). Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet. New York: Touchstone.
  • Twenge, J. M., Campbell, W. K. (2015). Asrın Vebası: Narsisizm İlleti. Özlem Korkmaz (Çev.), İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Vignoles, V. L., Schwartz, S. J., Luyckx, K. (2011). Introduction: Toward an Integrative View of Identity. Seth J. Schwartz, Koen Luyckx, Vivian L. Vignoles (Ed.), Handbook of Identity Theory and Research. (s. 1-31). New York: Springer.
  • Waskul, D., Douglass, M. (1997). Cyberself: The Emergence of Self in On-line Chat, Information Society, 13, 375-97.
  • Yang, Y., Green, S. B. (2011). Coefficient Alpha: A Reliability Coefficient for the 21st Century? Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 29(4), 377-392.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Sertaç Kaya 0000-0003-3483-572X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Temmuz 2021
Kabul Tarihi 25 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 4

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